Millions have been waiting for this book. Here it is!
Millions of men and women have been waiting for this book. Finally, three enthusiastic guys have collected all the facts about the world's most controversial underpants.
An awesome topic lands between two book covers.
During small talk, three guys from Berlin have a great idea. Two years of research and scouring the global underwear industry. Now there are 144 pages on how the men's thong became a star.
The men’s thong: avant-garde for the pleasure zone
Why do so many men train their tight asses in the gym only to wrap them carelessly in baggy cotton afterwards? How stupid is that? Who has actually pulled the ass card here?
Share your wildest string adventures with the whole world.
Many men simply think thongs are awesome and are driven by a great desire to share their passion with others. This is exactly what happened to the three authors who wrote Männertanga.
Red alert when men take their clothes off.
Most men simply don't care what they wear underneath. The private fashion show is correspondingly adventurous. Here are some snapshots we found while surfing.
Pants down. Thong up! Tough times for 08/15 knickers.
New times are dawning. More and more men are freeing themselves from the 08/15 retro pants. Of course, it doesn't have its retro name for nothing, because the knickers had their last flight of fancy when Grandpa was still young.
Beach string instead of potato sack. Then it will also work with the Tanline
A neatly demarcated tanline is a popular souvenir from a club vacation in the South Seas. Quite in contrast to the maggot-white section between the navel and knee, which is unavoidable with the potato sack.