Three guys from Berlin prefer to wear thongs. Nothing special really. One is an IT engineer, two are designers and marketing experts on the fashion circuit. During a visit to the spa, they discover a shared passion and tell each other their string stories. It’s amazing what everyone has experienced. Enthusiasm or rejection, times when the men’s thong was really “in” – and then apparently “out” again and was mobbed. But always that special feeling of freedom. Everyone has experienced their escape from the world of 08/15 knickers differently. But everyone was hooked on the awesome feeling of putting on and taking off a thong.
This small talk gave rise to a fascinating idea. “Let’s write a book”. After all, we are not alone. The men’s thong is an object of lust that drives many men crazy. Two years of research and scouring the global underwear industry. Countless men are interviewed until the stories about the world’s smallest underpants bubble over like boiling milk. Pictures are collected. And then finally everything is packed between two book covers and given the title Männertanga. On 144 you can now read in black and white how the men’s thong became a star.
The first edition is produced in one of the largest book printing plants in Europe. Naturally in premium quality and immediately in German and English. Here you can take a look inside the print shop and see how a sheet of paper is gradually turned into bulging pallets full of “men’s thongs”. You can order the shameless work of art here. After all, you are part of a global community!

Pictures: Männertanga editorial office